Generic Principles and Values |
The following is a list of words and phrases from the Vision Statement. Each needs to be defined, in two or three paragraphs (or more), by the membership. This would be a living document, meaning the definitions would evolve, over time, to more accurately reflect the intent and consent of the group.
- Common unity
- faith in action
- sovereignty of the individual
- personal responsibility
- community
- Collective
- committed
- open and honest communication
- create an open and safe environment
- conflict
- nonviolence
- the ability to resolve conflict without violence
- living simply
- non-possessive
- honest
- egalitarian
- relationships with consenting peers
- all students and teachers
- unconditional support to those dependent upon us
- stewards of the earth and all her relations
- sustainable systems
- social order based upon honesty and trust, nonviolence and self-empowerment, and equality and democracy
- an alternative society
- vision
- outbreak of peace
- the hope and the future of society
Food Not Bombs Publishing
7304 Carroll Ave #136
Takoma Park, MD 20912
To scheduled a workshop contact ctbutler@together.net